वैवाहिक प्रेम से संबंधित ज्ञान के आनंद

Ky është një përkthim i: De Amore Conjugiali, nga Swedenborg, Emanuel

Përkthyer në हिंदी nga Peter Devassy


This is Swedenborg's work on marriage. It shows that a true loving marriage between a husband and wife is the ideal human state. We can work towards it preparing ourselves to receive this gift. It brings eternal happiness and it corresponds to the marriage between the love and wisdom that flow from the Lord through all of creation.

Rreth këtij përkthimi:

पति-पत्नी के बीच सच्चा प्रेमपूर्ण विवाह आदर्श मानवीय स्थिति है। यह गहरे स्तर पर प्रभु के प्रेम और ज्ञान से मेल खाता है। और, हम इस उपहार को प्राप्त करने में सक्षम बनने के लिए काम कर सकते हैं।

Krijuar ose përkthyer nga: Peter Devassy

Data e krijimit: 2024

Kredia: Many thanks to Rev. Peter Devassy for the rights to use this translation.

E drejta e autorit: Copyright by the translator

All rights reserved by the translator.

Liçensë: Used with permission - shih termat

Citim i sugjeruar:

वैवाहिक प्रेम से संबंधित ज्ञान के आनंद. Translated by Peter Devassy. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
