Conjugial Love #379

Nga Emanuel Swedenborg

Studioni këtë pasazh

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379. 14. Jealousness in men and husbands is different from jealousness in women and wives. Having said that, however, we cannot separately describe all the differences, since jealousness is of one character in partners who love each other spiritually, of another character in partners who love each other only naturally, of another character in partners who differ in disposition and spirit, and of another character in partners, one of whom has subjugated the other into a condition of subservience.

Regarded in themselves, jealousness in men and jealousness in women are different, being from a different origin. The origin of jealousness in men is in the intellect, whereas in women it is in the will adjoined to the intellect of her man. Jealousness in men is therefore like a blaze of fury and anger, while in women it is like a fire contained by various fears, by the varying ways in which they regard their husbands, by the varying ways in which they view their own love, and by their varying degrees of prudence in not revealing their love to their husbands by a display of jealousness. These differences exist, because wives are forms of love, and men recipients; and wives have to be careful not to destroy their love in men, whereas its recipients do not have to exercise the same care with their wives.

[2] The situation is different in the case of spiritual people. In their case the man's jealousness is transmitted to the wife, as the wife's love is transmitted to the husband; and therefore the jealousness in one and the other against the attempts of a transgressor appear alike. However, against the attempts of a transgressing trollop the wife's jealousness is infused into the husband, which is felt as grief weeping and moving the conscience.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.