Glorification... what is it?

Nga New Christian Bible Study Staff, Julian Duckworth

Swedenborg uses the word “glorification” in relation to Jesus’s life on earth. Glorification is the part of Jesus’s development in which the Divine in Him was strengthened and brought about. This took place through victories in overcoming His temptations. Parallel to this is ‘exinanition’ meaning an ‘emptying’ in which Jesus put away from Him the merely human states that He had received from Mary.

In addition referring to this spiritual process, “glorification” can also refer to states in which the Divine was flowing strongly into Jesus -- states when He was healing people, teaching with authority, casting out demons, and working miracles.

After the crucifixion, spiritually, all of Jesus's heredity from Mary was gone or emptied out, and when He rose on Easter morning even the substance of his physical body had been replaced. In the following days, after Jesus had been crucified, but before his ascension, the stories show Jesus in his glory.

(Referencat: Arcana Coelestia 2288, 6827)