Exploring the Meaning of John 13

Ky është teksti origjinal i: Exploring the Meaning of John 13, nga Ray and Star Silverman


Exploring the Meaning of John 13

Rreth këtij përkthimi:

John's Gospel emphasizes not just recognizing sin and learning the truth, but also putting what we have learned into life. John 13 brings this "washing" process into clear light - now moving from our minds and hearts outward into our actions.

Krijuar ose përkthyer nga: Ray and Star Silverman

Data e krijimit: 2020

Kredia: Many thanks to Ray and Star Silverman for the permission to use the materials from their book, "A Seamless Garment," for the chapter summaries for the Four Gospels.

E drejta e autorit: Copyright by the author

All rights reserved. These commentaries have been published serially, with Matthew in 2020, Mark in 2021, Luke in 2022, and now John continuing in 2023.

Liçensë: Used with permission - shih termat

Rreth: This is a study of the Four Gospels as a divinely arranged narrative, from the first word of Matthew to the last word of John.

Marrë nga: http://riseaboveit.org

Citim i sugjeruar:

Exploring the Meaning of John 13. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
