The Inner Meaning of the Prophets and Psalms #242

Nga Emanuel Swedenborg
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242. Internal Meaning of Zechariah, Chapter 10

1 The Lord will spiritually bless those who seek Him. (17)

2 Those who have the Word are in falsities of evil and will perish. (3)

4-6 Those who are in celestial good, of whom the church will consist where the Lord is, will fight. (11)

against falsities of evil; so also will those who are in spiritual good. (11, 7)

7-10 They are to be gathered together out of every religion, and taught. (11)

11 The Lord will protect them from falsities that are from hell, (11)

12 because they worship the Lord. (11)

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.