Interaction of the Soul and Body #18

Nga Emanuel Swedenborg

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18. XVI. Hence it is evident what is the nature of spiritual influx from its origin to its effects.

Spiritual influx has hitherto been deduced from the soul into the body, but not from God into the soul and thus into the body. This has been done because no one had any knowledge concerning the spiritual world and the sun there from which all spiritual things stream forth as from their fountain: and thus no one had any knowledge concerning the INFLUX OF SPIRITUAL THINGS INTO NATURAL.

[2] Now, since it has been granted me to be in the spiritual world and in the natural world at the same time, and thus to see each world and each sun, I am obliged by my conscience to communicate these things. For of what use is knowledge unless it be communicated? What is it, but like collecting and storing up riches in a casket, and only looking at them occasionally and counting them over, without any intention of applying them to use? Spiritual avarice is nothing else.

[3] But in order that it may be fully known what spiritual influx is, and what is its nature, it is necessary to know what that which is SPIRITUAL is in its essence, and what that which is NATURAL; and also what the HUMAN SOUL is: lest, therefore, this short treatise should be defective through ignorance of these subjects, it will be useful to consult some memorable relations inserted in the work on CONJUGIAL LOVE: concerning what is SPIRITUAL, in the memorable relation there,326-329; concerning the HUMAN SOUL,315; and concerning the INFLUX OF SPIRITUAL THINGS INTO NATURAL, at380; and more fully at 415-422. 1


1. The same articles may be found in THE TRUE CHRISTIAN RELIGION 280, 697, 35, 77, 12.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.