Hapi 2: Part 1: True Christian Religion



True Christian Religion (published in Amsterdam, in 1771).

In this Sampler, we're going to look at selected passages from several of the books that Swedenborg published. The first book that we will explore is the last one that Swedenborg published, in 1771. Its Latin title was "Vera Christiana Religio", or, in English, "True Christian Religion". Its subtitle states, "containing the complete theology of the New Church as foretold by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and in Revelation 21:2-3." It is considered by many people to be the best single book of the Writings for introducing the New Church.

Each step includes a "Question to consider", followed by one or more passages from True Christian Religion. Ideally, you can do the reading, and then talk about the question (and other questions that arise) in a discussion group setting. But, it's also useful to go through the process solo -- or really, with you and the Lord, together!