Arcana Coelestia # 7308

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/ 10837  

7308. 'And you are to stand so as to meet him beside the bank of the river' means an influx in keeping with the state. This is clear from the meaning of 'standing to meet' as influx, for when it says - referring to the law of God, which is represented by 'Moses' - that it was to stand so as to meet those steeped in falsities who engage in molestation, who are represented by 'Pharaoh', nothing else can be meant by 'standing to meet' than influx and consequent reception, and so discernment; and from the meaning of 'the bank of the river' as the state of falsity in which those who engaged in molestation would be. 'The river of Egypt' means falsity, see 6693, at this point falsity resulting from illusions, 7307; but its 'bank', which is so to speak its container, since it encompasses and confines it, is the state in which that falsity exists. For every individual thing has its own state in which and in keeping with which it exists.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.