Arcana Coelestia # 2782

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/ 10837  

2782. 'And took two servants' means the first rational which He had allied to it. This is clear from the meaning of 'servants' or 'boys'. 'Boy' and 'boys' in the Word have various meanings because these terms may be used to refer not only to the sons of the house, but also to the sons of the foreigner, and to servants as well. Here servants are meant. As regards 'servants' in the Word also meaning the natural things in man which are to serve the rational, see 1486, 1713, 2541, 2567. Here however, since the word which otherwise means 'boys' is used and not the more usual word for servants, the first or merely human rational which is to be subservient to the Divine Rational is meant, as may become clear also from the actual train of thought.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.