Arcana Coelestia #8914

Av Emanuel Swedenborg

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8914. 'And all the people saw the voices and torches' means perception of God's truths that spring from good. This is clear from the meaning of 'seeing' as understanding and perceiving, dealt with in 2150, 2325, 2807, 3764, 3863, 3869, 4403-4421, 4567, 4723, 5400; from the meaning of 'voices', or claps of thunder, as God's truths, dealt with in 7573, 8813; and from the meaning of 'torches', or lightning, as the brilliant flashes emitted by truths that spring from the good of love, which have a sharp and penetrating effect, dealt with in 8813.

[2] The expression 'God's truths that spring from good' is used here to mean all the Ten Commandments which were declared from Mount Sinai amid thundering and lightning. These took place at that time because claps of thunder were signs of God's truths, which are also for that reason called voices, while flashes of lightning were signs of the brilliant flashes that truths from good possess, which are also for that reason called torches or flames, 'flames' being Divine Truths emanating from the Lord's Divine Good, see 6832.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.