Detta är en översättning av: Exploring the Meaning of Matthew 2 av Ray and Star Silverman
maskinöversatt till Italiano
Exploring the Meaning of Matthew 2
Om denna översättning:
I magi dell'Oriente vengono a visitare il Bambino Gesù a Betlemme. Giuseppe, Maria e Gesù fuggono in Egitto, per sfuggire agli scagnozzi assassini di Erode. Quando tutto è di nuovo sicuro, la famiglia ritorna e si stabilisce a Nazareth, in Galilea.
Datum skapat: 2023
Tillskriven: New Christian Bible Study machine translation team.
Copyright: New Christian Bible Study Corp.
All rights reserved.
Licens: Copyright by New Christian Bible Study Corp. - se termer
Om: This is a machine translation of the original content. The translation text was generated using either Google's or DeepL's translation services, depending on the language it's in.