Arcana Coelestia # 1410

Ni Emanuel Swedenborg

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1410. The implications of 'Jehovah said to Abram' meaning a first awareness of all things are as follows: The historical incident is representative, but the actual words describing it carry a spiritual meaning. Such was the style in the Ancient Church that if something was true people would say 'Jehovah said' or 'Jehovah spoke', which, as shown already, meant that it was so. Subsequently however when things carrying a spiritual meaning were converted into representatives, Jehovah - that is, the Lord - at that point spoke to them directly. And when it is then said that 'Jehovah said' or 'Jehovah spoke' to somebody, it has the same meaning as previously, for the Lord's words in the true historical narratives embody within them the same as the Lord's words in the made-up ones. The only difference is that the latter contain that which has been made up to be like true narrative whereas the former have not been made up. 'Jehovah said to Abram' therefore means nothing other than a first awareness, as when in the Ancient Church someone through conscience, or through some other dictate, or through their Word, was made aware that something was so, the expression 'Jehovah said' would be used.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.