Ukholo Lwangempela kanye Nemibono Enhle Engabalulekile

Ito ay isang pagsasalin ng: Real Faith and Irrelevant Pretty Notions, ni Jared Buss

isinalin ng machine sa isiZulu


Izwe libonakala lithi inkolo ayiselaphanga lutho, ngakho kuyisisindo esifile isizwe sesintu esingasilahla. Kodwa lokhu kungemuva.

Petsa ng paglikha: 2023

Credit: New Christian Bible Study machine translation team.

Copyright: New Christian Bible Study Corp.

All rights reserved.

Lisensya: Copyright by New Christian Bible Study Corp. - tingnan ang mga tuntunin

Tungkol sa: This is a machine translation of the original content. The translation text was generated using either Google's or DeepL's translation services, depending on the language it's in.

Iminungkahing Citation:

Ukholo Lwangempela kanye Nemibono Enhle Engabalulekile. Retrieved from:
