Arcana Coelestia#6661

原作者: 伊曼纽尔斯威登堡



6661. 'And they built cities of store-houses for Pharaoh' means teachings composed of falsified truths in the natural where alienated factual knowledge resides. This is clear from the meaning of 'cities' as teachings in both [the genuine and the contrary] senses, dealt with in 402, 2449, 2943, 3216, 4492, 4497; from the meaning of 'store-houses' as falsified truths, dealt with below; and from the representation of 'Pharaoh' as the natural, dealt with in 5160, 5799, 6015 (end), the natural being where alienated factual knowledge resides, see above in 6651, 6652. The reason why 'the cities of store-houses' which the people of Israel built for Pharaoh means teachings composed of falsified truths is that those preoccupied with factual knowledge alienated from the truth, who are meant here by Pharaoh and the Egyptians, pervert and falsify all of the Church's truths and formulate teachings for themselves out of those perverted, falsified truths.

[2] The word used in the original language for store-houses may also mean armouries, and treasuries too, which have virtually the same meaning in the internal sense. For store-houses are places where corn is collected, and 'corn' means truth, 5276, 5280, 5292, 5402, or in the contrary sense falsity. Armouries however are places where one stores weapons of war, by which are meant the kinds of things that truth uses in fighting against falsities, or in the contrary sense those that falsity uses in fighting against truths, 1788, 1686. Treasuries are places where wealth is deposited, and by wealth and riches are meant cognitions of goodness and truth, 4508, in the contrary sense cognitions of evil and falsity. In general therefore cities of store-houses, armouries, or treasuries mean teachings composed of falsified truths.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.