Arcana Coelestia#8898

原作者: 伊曼纽尔斯威登堡



8898. 'In order that your days may be prolonged on the land' means the resulting state of life in heaven. This is clear from the meaning of 'being prolonged' as that which has reference to good and the increase of it, dealt with below; from the meaning of 'your days' as states of life, dealt with in 23, 487, 488, 493, 893, 2788, 3462, 3785, 4850, 5672, 5962, 6110, 7680, 8426; and from the meaning of 'the land' - at this point the land of Canaan, since the children of Israel are told 'it is the land which Jehovah your God gives you' - as the Lord's kingdom, dealt with in 1413, 1437, 1607, 1866, 3038, 3481, 3686, 3705, 4240, 4447. The reason why 'being prolonged' has reference to good and the increase of it is that the prolongation of days is the length of time that life will last, and in heaven there is neither time nor space, but states instead of them. Therefore 'being prolonged', since it has reference to a state in respect of good, means the increase of it. For length is spoken of in regard to good, and breadth to truth, see 1613, 4482; and in heaven there are no areas of space, just as there are no periods of time, but states instead of them, 1274, 1382, 2625, 2788, 2837, 3254, 3356, 3404, 3938, 4321, 4814, 4882, 4901, 4918, 5605, 6110, 7218, 7381.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.