Arcana Coelestia#7043

原作者: 伊曼纽尔斯威登堡



7043. 'And sought to kill him' means that a representative Church could not be established among those descendants. This is clear from the meaning of 'seeking to kill' as not receiving, dealt with in 3387, 3395, here therefore as not receiving or choosing that nation in order that a representative Church might be established among them. That nation is what Moses their future leader and head is consistently used to mean in these three verses, see above in 7041.

That nation was not chosen, yet it stubbornly insisted that it should be the Church, see 4290, 4293.

No Church, only a representative of the Church was established among that nation, 4281, 4288, 6304.

Holy things of the Church can be represented even by wicked people, for in a representation no attention is paid to the person who represents, only to the thing represented by him, 3670, 4208, 4281.

Something similar to what is meant here in the internal sense is contained in Numbers 14:12, where it says that Jehovah wished to destroy that nation completely and in their place raise up from Moses another nation, and also where it says that Jehovah regretted that He was going to lead, or that He had led that people into the land of Canaan.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.