Arcana Coelestia#218

原作者: 伊曼纽尔斯威登堡



218. Verse 8 And they heard Jehovah God's voice going to and fro in the garden in the breeze of the daytime; and the man hid himself, and so did his wife, from the face of Jehovah God, in the middle of the tree of the garden.

'Jehovah God's voice going to and fro in the garden' means a dictate which filled them with fear. This dictate is the residue they had of perception. 'The breeze, or breath, 1 of the daytime' means a time when the Church still had a residue of perception. 'Hiding themselves from the face of Jehovah God' is being afraid of this dictate, as people conscious of evil normally are. 'The middle of the tree of the garden in which they hid themselves' means natural good; that which is Inmost is called 'the middle', and perception a tree', as stated already. But because only a little perception remained 'tree' is used in the singular, as though only one were left.


1. literally, spirit


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.