这是翻译的: Formula Concordiae - Index
This is a brief index of the subjects in the Protestant document "The Formula Concordiae". Swedenborg made it for his own use in writing "True Christian Religion".
This is a brief index of the subjects in the Protestant document "The Formula Concordiae". Swedenborg made it for his own use in writing "True Christian Religion".
创作时间: 1975
信用: Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.
创作时间: Swedenborg Society
Copyright Swedenborg Society. All rights reserved.
许可证: Used with permission - 查看条款
取材于: https://www.swedenborg.org.uk
已经出版: 1975 在 London, England 由出版商 Swedenborg Society 作为以下题目的一部分: 'Small Theological Works and Letters