Exploring the Meaning of Luke 23

这是原文:Exploring the Meaning of Luke 23; 作者:Ray and Star Silverman


Exploring the Meaning of Luke 23


Jesus was crucified. The hopes of many seemed to be ending in ugly, bitter tragedy. Darkness covered the land. The veil of the temple was ripped in two.

创作或翻译: Ray and Star Silverman

创作时间: 2020

信用: Many thanks to Ray and Star Silverman for the permission to use the materials from their book, "A Seamless Garment," for the chapter summaries for the Four Gospels.

创作时间: Copyright by the author

All rights reserved. These commentaries have been published serially, with Matthew in 2020, Mark in 2021, Luke in 2022, and now John continuing in 2023.

许可证: Used with permission - 查看条款

关于: This is a study of the Four Gospels as a divinely arranged narrative, from the first word of Matthew to the last word of John.

取材于: http://riseaboveit.org


Exploring the Meaning of Luke 23. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
