这是翻译的:De Ultimo Judicio; 作者:Swedenborg, Emanuel
翻译成Srpski, Српски
The Apocalypse describes the last judgment. Many interpreters have tried to relate it primarily to worldly events and kingdoms and many Christians are still expecting it to happen at some level. In the Swedenborgian view the last judgment was a set of events that occurred in the spiritual world in 1757. This judgment paved the way for new true Christian ideas to flow from God through heaven to people on earth seeding a new Christian church. In English, this book has been titled The Last Judgment.
Na kraju svakog duhovnog "doba" u ljudskoj povijesti, postoji "posljednji sud", duhovna morska promjena. Prva kršćanska crkva doživjela je svoj posljednji sud sredinom 1700-ih, otvarajući put novim, istinskijim kršćanskim idejama.
创作时间: 2009
信用: Veliko hvala Gospodnjoj Novoj Crkvi na dozvoli da koristim ovaj prevod.
许可证: Used with permission - 查看条款