Other Planets (New Century Edition)

这是翻译的:De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari; 作者:Swedenborg, Emanuel



In this book Swedenborg describes spiritual experiences in which he met and conversed with people in the spiritual world who had inhabited other planets, some in our solar system and some from deeper space. The main theme of this work is that the God that we know from the Word is in fact the God of the whole universe, and that spiritually aware beings receive a common universal influx of love and wisdom from God.


Swedenborg was both a physical scientist and an early psychologist. He learned meditation techniques, and recorded his spiritual experiences. In some cases, he described meeting spiritually aware people from other planets.

创作时间: 2020

信用: Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

创作时间: Swedenborg Foundation

Copyright by the Swedenborg Foundation, West Chester, Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.

许可证: Used with permission - 查看条款

取材于: https://www.swedenborg.com


Other Planets. Translated. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
