Spiritual Experiences-Word Explained#3

原作者: 伊曼纽尔斯威登堡

3. [See The Word Explained 472-74, where the explanation of Genesis 28:10-22 begins and the Kingdom of God in general is discussed.]

475. But what the Kingdom of God will be like is evident from the writings of the Divine Word. Its deepest level of meaning contains nothing else but what regards the Kingdom of the Messiah. Here I will only mention that when the higher path is opened up in anyone's mind, the Kingdom of God comes to view, and one sees what it is like. For there are in everyone two passages leading to the understanding part of the mind. One is from the world through the outer senses; the other is directly from Heaven, through the highest mind specifically termed the Soul. The latter is to be called the higher or inward way, but the other the lower or outward way.

The higher path, through the soul, is quite unknown to the human race; for ever since Adam himself after his fall, it has been closed in all who have not been admitted into the Kingdom of God itself while living on earth. It has lain open only to those who have been introduced, as many were in the earliest times who spoke with the Messiah Himself - such as Abraham, Isaac, and others told of here and there in the Divine Word itself.

If, therefore, it should be described at this day what the Kingdom of God is like, it would transcend all human belief, especially for those who acknowledge nothing but the kingdom of the world, that is, the world. Those blinded by the love for it and for themselves, acquire wisdom by the outer senses alone. At merely hearing that there is in man a way opening to heaven other than the way through their senses, which are called external, they would reject this as fable.

3. For this reason, in such people the higher way directly into heaven cannot be opened until those loves, for the world and for self, have been dispelled, and only the love of the Messiah, and of His Kingdom, takes their place. Nor can this path ever be opened by anyone who is in the Heavens except the Messiah Alone, to one whom He sees fit to admit to Himself, or into His Kingdom. Then for the first time they can behold what His Kingdom is like.

To tell it in a few words, it means that one is allowed to hear and to speak with those who are in Heaven, in fact, with heavenly spirits, with saints who died long ago, even with Abraham himself, Isaac, and Jacob, and through them, indirectly, as well as even directly if such boundless grace be granted, with the Messiah Himself - indeed, even to see Him. The speech itself is entirely like speech with companions on earth, but coming down so clear from Heaven, from above, from every direction, far and near, as well as from within, that it is heard in the same way as speech of the mouth, but so that none of the bystanders hears or perceives any of it. This is the case even in an actual group, whether consisting of many persons or few. And every such individual hears it in their own native language.

The eyesight also is like ordinary sight, but unless one is admitted into the [very] inward heaven, one sees only symbolic displays, especially when the eyes are closed, and above all in a state midway between waking and sleeping. One sees them as clearly as we see with our eyes at midday. This happens as often as the Messiah sees fit to grant anyone to behold it.

As well as by hearing, sight and speech, their presence is made known - not vaguely, but clearly - by touch. What the Kingdom of God is like, therefore, is plainly discerned at such a time by the senses just mentioned, to a degree that no one could believe such immense happiness could ever exist.

But lest these accounts be rejected as fables, I can testify sacredly that the Messiah Himself, Savior of the World, Jesus the Nazarene, has introduced me into that Kingdom, and I have spoken there with heavenly guardian angels, spirits, dead people who have risen again, even with those who called themselves Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Esau, Rebekah, Moses, Aaron, and the Apostles, especially Paul and James. This has gone on now over a period of eight months almost uninterruptedly [see 8 below], except on my journey from London to Sweden, and continued while I have been writing these things which now come out in public. In fact, they themselves, or else their angels and others, brought in the very words from closest by.

Hence you may now realize that there is a Kingdom of God, and, from what is to be said later here and there, what it is like. This only I am prompted to add, that somehow I have been introduced into Heaven itself, not only with my mind, but almost my whole body, that is, my bodily sensation, and this when I was completely awake. This might strike everyone as so strange that they cannot help calling it into question. But because I have seen, heard, and experienced it with the very senses of my body, I cannot help affirming it now, upon Divine consent, and testify to it.

(Those words written about me, I cannot yet affirm so strongly as to be able to swear to them by God; for I cannot be sure whether every single word of the description is right and accurate enough to entirely agree with the facts. Therefore, they must be amended at some other time, if God sees fit, so that I am really satisfied that the words I am speaking are entirely true.)

[Speak, Speech; See, Vision]


Thanks to the Academy of the New Church, and Bryn Athyn College, for the permission to use this translation.