Question to Consider:
Do you think it is easy or hard for people to accept the idea of an inner meaning within the stories of the Old Testament? Why?
Do you think it is easy or hard for people to accept the idea of an inner meaning within the stories of the Old Testament? Why?
1. 《天堂的奥秘》第一卷
单从旧约圣经的文字来看, 人无从发觉里面深藏着天堂的奥秘, 从总体到细节, 均涉及主及其天堂, 教会, 信仰的方方面面. 因为就文字而言, 我们看到的不过是犹太教的一些礼仪典章.
但事实却是, 旧约圣经处处蕴含字面不可见的精义, 只有极少数地方主曾向使徒解明了, 例如祭物象征主, 伊甸园, 迦南地, 耶路撒冷象征天堂 (因而被称为天上的迦南和耶路撒冷,[编者按: 参加拉太书 4:26; 希伯来书 11:16, 12:22; 启示录 21:2, 10, 等等].