步骤 38: The state of mind of a person before his regeneration



Question to Consider:

Few young adults are likely to sense that this is the quality of their minds. What is an example of an event that might help a person recognize their fundamental ignorance or "stupidity?"


原作者: 伊曼纽尔斯威登堡

17. 创世记 1:2. 地是空虚混沌, 渊面黑暗; 神的灵运行在水面上.

在重生之前, 人被称为 “空虚混沌之地”, 或如一块尚未种下良善与真理的土壤. “空虚”, 表缺乏良善, “混沌”, 表缺乏真理, 导致的结果是 “黑暗”, 也就是对信主及属灵, 属天的生命一无所知. 关于此等人, 主藉耶利米描绘说: “我的百姓愚顽, 不认识我. 他们是愚昧无知的儿女, 有智慧行恶, 没有知识行善. 我观看地, 不料, 地是空虚混沌. 我观看天, 天也无光.” (耶利米书 4:22, 23, 25)