Apocalypse Explained #178

Ngu Emanuel Swedenborg

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Yiya esigabeni / 1232  

178. As I also have received from my Father, signifies comparatively as the Lord did from His Divine Human, when He glorified His Human, namely, that He dissipated all evils and falsities arising from the human that He had from the mother. By "the Father" here the Divine in Himself, or that which He had from conception, is meant, for this Divine was one with the Father, as He declares. It is said comparatively, for as the Lord glorified His Human, so He regenerates man; that is, as He united His Divine to the Human and the Human to the Divine, so He conjoins the internal to the external and the external to the internal with man. (But as this arcanum cannot be explained in a few words so as to be understood, consult what has been shown respecting it in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 280-297, and in the passages cited from the Arcana Coelestia in that work, n. 185, 298-307, in which it is fully explained.)

Yiya esigabeni / 1232  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.