Apocalypse Revealed #867

Ngu Emanuel Swedenborg

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Yiya esigabeni / 962  

867. And their books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. This symbolically means that the interiors of their minds were opened, of both the good and the evil, and by an influx of light and warmth from heaven their characters were seen and perceived in respect to the affections of their love or will, and so in respect to the thoughts of their faith or intellect.

The books do not mean books, but the interiors of the minds of those being judged. The books symbolize the interiors of the minds of those who were evil and who received a verdict of death, and the Book of Life symbolizes those who were good and who received a verdict of life.

The interiors are called books because the interiors of everyone's mind have inscribed on them everything the person thought, intended, said and did in the world that proceeded from his will or love and so from his intellect or faith. All of this is inscribed on everyone's life so precisely that nothing at all is lost.

The character of these interiors is clearly apparent when spiritual light, which is wisdom from the Lord, and spiritual warmth, which is love from the Lord, flow in through heaven. Spiritual light reveals the thoughts that are matters of the intellect and faith; spiritual warmth reveals the affections that are matters of the will and love; and spiritual light and warmth together reveal the intentions and endeavors.

I do not say that a rational person can see the reality of this by the light of his own intellect, but he can see it if he wishes to, provided he is willing to understand that there exists a spiritual light that enlightens the intellect, and a spiritual warmth that kindles the will.

Yiya esigabeni / 962  

Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.