Conjugial Love #381

Ngu Emanuel Swedenborg

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Yiya esigabeni / 535  

381. The second account:

When I once looked about into the world of spirits, I saw at a distance a palace, surrounded and seemingly besieged by a crowd of people. And I also saw many others running towards it. Wondering at this, I quickly arose from my house and asked one of those running what was happening. He replied that three newcomers from the world had been taken up into heaven and had seen magnificent things there, including maidens and wives of astonishing beauty. Having been let down from that heaven, they had now entered the palace over there and were recounting what they had seen, especially that they had found women of such beauty, the like of which their listeners' eyes had never seen, and which they could not see unless illumined by the light of the heavenly atmosphere. They said in regard to themselves that they had been lecturers in the world, from the kingdom of France, that they had cultivated a facility in the art of speaking, and that they were now overcome with a desire to speak about the origin of beauty. Because this was made known in the surrounding area, the multitude flocked in to hear them.

Hearing this, I, too, hastened and went in; and I saw the three men standing in the center, dressed in sapphire-colored gowns, which, being inwoven with threads of gold, shone as though golden at their every turn. They stood behind a kind of pulpit, in readiness to speak; and presently one of them rose up on the step behind the pulpit to give his lecture on the origin of the beauty of the feminine sex, in which he presented the following:

Yiya esigabeni / 535  

Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.