Okususelwe Emisebenzini kaSwedenborg


Worlds in Space #1

Funda lesi Sigaba

Yiya esigabeni / 178  


By the Lord's Divine mercy I have had my interior faculties, which belong to my spirit, opened, so that I have been enabled to talk with spirits and angels, not only those in the vicinity of our earth, but also with those near other worlds. Since therefore I was desirous of knowing whether there were other inhabited worlds, and what they and their inhabitants were like, I was allowed by the Lord to talk and mix with spirits and angels from other worlds. With some this lasted a day, with others a week, with yet others for months. I was informed by them about the worlds they came from and in the vicinity of which they were, about the life, behaviour and religious practices of their inhabitants, and other matters worth relating about them. Since I was allowed to gain my knowledge in this fashion, I can describe them from what I have heard and seen.

[2] It needs to be known that all spirits and angels are from the human race; 1 they are near their own world, 2 and know what happens there; and they can inform someone whose interior faculties are open sufficiently to be able to talk and mix with them. A human being is in essence a spirit, 3 and associates with spirits at the interior level. 4 Consequently anyone whose interior faculties are opened by the Lord can talk with them, exactly as a man can with another man. 5 I have been permitted to do this daily for the last twelve years.

Imibhalo yaphansi:

1. [Swedenborg’s Footnote] There are no spirits or angels who are not from the human race (Arcana Caelestia 1880).

2. [Swedenborg’s Footnote] The spirits of each world are in the vicinity of their world, because they come from its inhabitants and share their character. It is also so that they can be of service to them (Arcana Caelestia 9968).

3. [Swedenborg’s Footnote] The soul which lives on after death is a person's spirit, which is his real personality; in the next life it appears in a completely human form (Arcana Caelestia 322, 1880-1881, 3633, 4622, 4735, 6054, 6605, 6626, 7021, 10594).

4. [Swedenborg’s Footnote] A person while still in the world is at the inner level, that is, as regards his spirit or soul, among spirits and angels of similar nature to himself (Arcana Caelestia 2379 [2378 in original], Arcana Caelestia 3645, 4067, 4073, 4077).

5. [Swedenborg’s Footnote] A person can talk with spirits and angels; in ancient times people in our world often did so (Arcana Caelestia 67-69, 784, 1634, 1636, 7802). But nowadays it is dangerous for a person to talk with them, unless he has true faith and is guided by the Lord (Arcana Caelestia 784, 9438, 10751).

Yiya esigabeni / 178  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Okususelwe Emisebenzini kaSwedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #322

Funda lesi Sigaba

Yiya esigabeni / 10837  

322. Let people beware of falsely assuming that spirits do not possess far keener sensory powers than they did in the life of the body. From thousands of experiences I know that the reverse is true. But if, because of their presuppositions about the spirit, they are unwilling to believe it, let them find out for themselves when they enter the next life, where their own experience will force them to believe it. Not only do spirits have the gift of sight, since they are living in light; good spirits, angelic spirits, and angels also live in a light so bright that the light of this world at midday is scarcely comparable to it. The light in which they live and by which they see will in the Lord's Divine mercy be described later on. Spirits also have a sense of hearing so keen that the sense of hearing in their physical body cannot be reckoned its equal. For several years now, with scarcely any break, they have been holding conversations with me. But their speech also will in the Lord's Divine mercy be described later on. They have the sense of smell, which also will in the Lord's Divine mercy be described later on. They have a very delicate sense of touch, which in hell brings about pain and torment. For all sensations are related to the sense of touch; indeed they are just different forms and variations of that sense.

[2] They have desires and affections, with which those they had in the life of the body cannot be compared. More, in the Lord's Divine mercy, will be said about these later on. They are far more penetrating and discriminating in their thinking than they were during their lifetime. One idea of their thinking embodies more than a thousand ideas did during their lifetime. In what they say to one another they are so direct and to the point, so clear-cut and discriminating, that if man were to catch only a fraction of it he would be dumbfounded. To sum up, they have lost absolutely nothing; they are as men, yet more perfect, but without material flesh and bones and the imperfections that go with these. They acknowledge and perceive that even during their lifetime it was the spirit that was active in sensation, and that although it presented itself within the body, it still did not belong to the body. When therefore the body has been laid aside, sensations are far more excellent and perfect. Life consists in sensation, for no life is possible without sensation, and as is the sensation so is the life, a point which anyone is capable of knowing.

Yiya esigabeni / 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.