Query Metrics

107 Database Queries
58 Different statements
424.84 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 1.31 ms
SELECT id FROM language WHERE shortcode = 'me' limit 1
2 6.17 ms
SELECT max(sl.datemod) FROM ui_string_language sl, ui_string s WHERE sl.language_id in (486, 123) and s.id = sl.ui_string_id and s.is_active and s.type_id in (1, 3)
3 8.15 ms
SELECT distinct s.name, case when sl2.id is null then sl.text else sl2.text end as text, s.fix_quote FROM (select * from ui_string_language where language_id = 123) sl, ui_string s left join (select * from ui_string_language where language_id = 486 and text is not null and text <> '') sl2 on s.id = sl2.ui_string_id where s.id = sl.ui_string_id and s.is_active and s.type_id in (1, 3)
4 1.82 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.translatedTitle AS translatedtitle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.url AS url_5, t0.isPublic AS ispublic_6, t0.audience AS audience_7, t0.isOriginal AS isoriginal_8, t0.isLanguageDefault AS islanguagedefault_9, t0.type_id AS type_id_10, t0.translationmethod_id AS translationmethod_id_11, t0.public_file AS public_file_12, t0.doc_link AS doc_link_13, t0.work_id AS work_id_14, t0.language_id AS language_id_15 FROM expositiontranslation t0 WHERE t0.url = ? AND t0.isPublic = ? AND t0.type_id = ? LIMIT 1
5 0.50 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.fullTitle AS fulltitle_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.url AS url_5, t0.isPublic AS ispublic_6, t0.audience AS audience_7, t0.swedenborgType AS swedenborgtype_8 FROM expositionwork t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
6 0.54 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.url AS url_3, t0.ordering AS ordering_4, t0.work_id AS work_id_5, t0.superdivision_id AS superdivision_id_6 FROM expositiondivision t0 WHERE t0.work_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
7 0.21 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.url AS url_3, t0.ordering AS ordering_4, t0.work_id AS work_id_5, t0.superdivision_id AS superdivision_id_6 FROM expositiondivision t0 WHERE t0.superdivision_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
8 0.40 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.title AS title_3, t0.swedenborgSection AS swedenborgsection_4, t0.division_id AS division_id_5 FROM expositionpassage t0 WHERE t0.division_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
9 0.38 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.subsection AS subsection_3, t0.passage_id AS passage_id_4 FROM expositiontextunit t0 WHERE t0.passage_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
10 20.55 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.text AS text_2, t0.textVector AS textvector_3, t0.translation_id AS translation_id_4, t0.placement_id AS placement_id_5 FROM expositiontranslationtext t0 WHERE t0.placement_id = ?
11 0.19 ms
select translationmethod_id from expositiontranslation where id = 61084
12 0.39 ms
select t2.id from expositiontranslation t1, expositiontranslation t2 where t1.id = 61084 and t1.work_id = t2.work_id and t2.isoriginal order by case when t2.language_id = 123 then 1 else 2 end
13 1.09 ms
SELECT array_to_string(array_agg( (CASE WHEN p.name is not null then p.name else (case when p.title is null then '' else p.title || ' ' end) || (case when p.firstname is null then '' else p.firstname || ' ' end) || (case when p.middlename is null then '' else p.middlename || ' ' end) || (case when p.lastname is null then '' else p.lastname || ' ' end) || (case when p.suffix is null then '' else p.suffix || ' ' end) end) ), ', ') as authors  FROM translation_bibliographicdata tbg, bibliographicdata_person bp, person p WHERE tbg.translation_id = 16389 and tbg.bibliographicdata_id = bp.bibliographicdata_id and bp.person_id = p.id
14 0.43 ms
select (case when l.nativename is not null and l.nativename <> '' then l.nativename else l.name end) as language_name from expositiontranslation t, language l where t.id = 61084 and l.id = t.language_id
15 0.86 ms
SELECT c.url FROM expositionwork w, work_category wc, concept_work cl, expositiontranslation t, concept c WHERE w.id = 10971 and wc.work_id = w.id and t.work_id = w.id and cl.work_id = w.id and c.id = cl.concept_id and wc.category_id = 12
16 0.46 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.url AS url_4, t0.indexPage AS indexpage_5 FROM expositioncategory t0 INNER JOIN work_category ON t0.id = work_category.category_id WHERE work_category.work_id = ?
17 0.16 ms
SELECT text_style_override  FROM language WHERE id = 149
18 0.44 ms
SELECT t.name FROM texttospeech t, texttospeechlanguage tl WHERE tl.language_id = 149 and t.id = tl.tts_id order by tl.is_standard desc limit 1
19 1.19 ms
SELECT p.id, t.url as translation_url, d.url as division_url,  (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then p.swedenborgsection else cast(p.ordering as text) end) as passage_num, p.ordering as passage_order, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || t.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '_' || p.ordering end) as multi_spec  FROM expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiontextunit tu, expositiontranslation t, expositionwork w WHERE d.work_id = 10971 and p.division_id = d.id and p.ordering < 1 and tt.translation_id=61084 and tt.placement_id = tu.id and tu.passage_id = p.id and t.id = tt.translation_id and d.work_id = w.id order by p.ordering desc limit 1
20 0.92 ms
SELECT p.id, t.url as translation_url, d.url as division_url, (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then p.swedenborgsection else cast(p.ordering as text) end) as passage_num, p.ordering as passage_order, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || t.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '_' || p.ordering end) as multi_spec  FROM expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiontextunit tu, expositiontranslation t, expositionwork w WHERE d.work_id = 10971 and p.division_id = d.id and p.ordering > 1 and tt.translation_id=61084 and tt.placement_id = tu.id and tu.passage_id = p.id and t.id = tt.translation_id and d.work_id = w.id order by p.ordering limit 1
21 0.79 ms
SELECT t.name, t.translatedtitle, (case when b.datecreated is null then '' else ' (' || b.datecreated || ')' end) as datestr, w.title as work_title, t.isoriginal, t.language_id FROM language l, expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t left join (select tb.translation_id, b.datecreated from bibliographicdata b, translation_bibliographicdata tb where b.id = tb.bibliographicdata_id) as b on t.id = b.translation_id WHERE t.id = 61084 and t.work_id = w.id and t.language_id = l.id
22 0.15 ms
select text from ui_string_language where ui_string_id = 469 and language_id = 149
23 0.13 ms
select language_id from expositiontranslation where id = 61084
24 2.72 ms
select array_to_string(array_agg(DISTINCT d.ref_id),',') as ref from expositiontextunit t, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiondisplayitem d where t.passage_id = 47516 and tt.translation_id = 61084 and t.id = tt.placement_id and d.container_id = tt.id and d.type_id = 2
25 63.84 ms
select t3.* from  (select * from (SELECT distinct on (tc.textunit_id, rc.id) tc.textunit_id, rc.id as ref_id, rc.originallinktext as link_text, cc1.book_id, rb.startverse_id as startloc_id, rb.endverse_id as endloc_id, true as is_bibleref, 'bible_' || trans.url || '_' || cb.url || '_' || cc1.ordering || (case when cc1.id <> cc2.id then '-' || cc2.ordering else '' end) || '_' || cv1.ordering || (case when rb.startverse_id <> rb.endverse_id then '-' || cv2.ordering else '' end) as multilink_text, cc1.ordering as ordering1, cv1.ordering as ordering2, (case when trans.language_id = 149 then 2 else case when trans.language_id = 123 then case when trans.languagedefault then 3 else 4 end end end) as priority_order, cb.url as book_url, trans.url as trans_url, cc1.ordering as chapter_order1, cc2.ordering as chapter_order2, cv1.ordering as verse_order1, cv2.ordering as verse_order2, trans.url as div_url, 0 as passage_order  FROM refbible rb, refcombined rc, textunit_combinedreference tc, expositiontextunit t, canonicalbibleverse cv1, canonicalbiblechapter cc1, canonicalbiblebook cb, canonicalbibleverse_bibleverse cbb1, bibleverse v1, biblechapter c1, canonicalbibleverse cv2, canonicalbiblechapter cc2, biblebook b, bibletranslation trans WHERE t.passage_id = 47516 and t.id = tc.textunit_id and rc.id = tc.combinedreference_id  and rc.id not in (1039,1277,1686,2759,3193,5189,6096,9810,10249,10328,11734,12079,12723,12792,12794,12996,13623,13678,13730,14118,14165,16774,17306,17432,17636,18056,18290,18497,19867,22207,23487,23723,24957,24991,27135,27171,27580,27972,28619,28870,28986,29357,29918,30162,31804,33086,38424,43688,43857,65053,65073,65074,65097,65100,65102,65104,65105,65106,96834,97988,99313,101781,107215,107432,107666,107979,109187,116913,120042,120430,122157,126631,128319,131746,134566,134799,147022,147023,147024,147025,147026,147027,147028,147029,147030,147031,147032,147033,147035) and rb.container_id = rc.id and cv1.id = rb.startverse_id and cv1.chapter_id = cc1.id and cc1.book_id = cb.id and cv1.id = cbb1.canonicalbibleverse_id and v1.id = cbb1.bibleverse_id and v1.chapter_id = c1.id and c1.book_id = b.id and cv2.id = rb.endverse_id and cv2.chapter_id = cc2.id and b.translation_id = trans.id and trans.enabled order by tc.textunit_id, rc.id, priority_order asc, trans.languagedefault desc) as b union select * from (SELECT distinct on (tc.textunit_id, rc.id) tc.textunit_id, rc.id as ref_id, rc.originallinktext as link_text, d.work_id as book_id, re.startlocation_id as startloc_id, re.endlocation_id as endloc_id, false as is_bibleref, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg_' else 'explanation_' end) || trans.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '' end) as multilink_text, p.ordering as ordering1, t2.ordering as ordering2, (case when trans.id = 61084 then 1 else case when trans.language_id = 149 then 2 else case when trans.language_id = 123 then case when trans.islanguagedefault then 3 else 4 end end end end) as priority_order, trans.url as book_url, trans.url as trans_url, 0 as chapter_order1, 0 as chapter_order2, 0 as verse_order1, 0 as verse_order2, d.url as div_url, p.ordering as passage_order FROM refexposition re, refcombined rc, textunit_combinedreference tc, expositiontextunit t, expositiontextunit t2, expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d, expositionwork w, expositiontranslation trans, expositiontranslationtext tt WHERE t.passage_id = 47516 and t.id = tc.textunit_id and rc.id = tc.combinedreference_id  and rc.id not in (1039,1277,1686,2759,3193,5189,6096,9810,10249,10328,11734,12079,12723,12792,12794,12996,13623,13678,13730,14118,14165,16774,17306,17432,17636,18056,18290,18497,19867,22207,23487,23723,24957,24991,27135,27171,27580,27972,28619,28870,28986,29357,29918,30162,31804,33086,38424,43688,43857,65053,65073,65074,65097,65100,65102,65104,65105,65106,96834,97988,99313,101781,107215,107432,107666,107979,109187,116913,120042,120430,122157,126631,128319,131746,134566,134799,147022,147023,147024,147025,147026,147027,147028,147029,147030,147031,147032,147033,147035) and re.container_id = rc.id and t2.id = re.startlocation_id and p.id = t2.passage_id and d.id = p.division_id and d.work_id = w.id and w.id = trans.work_id and trans.url is not null and trans.ispublic and w.ispublic and t2.id = tt.placement_id and trans.id = tt.translation_id order by tc.textunit_id, rc.id, priority_order asc, trans.islanguagedefault desc, trans.isoriginal desc) as e) as t3 order by split_part(link_text, ' ', 1), book_id, ordering1, ordering2
26 2.99 ms
select di1.text as footnote, array_to_string(array_agg(di3.text order by di3.ordering),' ') as footnote_text from expositiondisplayitem di1, (select di2.* from expositiondisplayitem di2, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiontextunit tu where tu.passage_id = 47516 and tt.translation_id = 61084 and tu.id = tt.placement_id and di2.container_id = tt.id order by di2.ordering) as di3 where di3.containingitem_id = di1.id group by di1.text
27 182.00 ms
select * from (SELECT distinct on (di.ref_id) di.ref_id, 'bible_' || trans.url || '_' || cb.url || '_' || cc1.ordering || (case when cc1.id <> cc2.id then '-' || cc2.ordering else '' end) || '_' || cv1.ordering || (case when rb.startverse_id <> rb.endverse_id then '-' || cv2.ordering else '' end) as multilink, true as is_bibleref, 1 as section_order, (case when trans.language_id in (select language_id from expositiontranslation where id = 61084) then 1 else case when trans.language_id = 123 then 2 else 3 end end ) as priority_order, cb.url as book_url, trans.url as trans_url, cc1.ordering as chapter_order1, cc2.ordering as chapter_order2, cv1.ordering as verse_order1, cv2.ordering as verse_order2, trans.url as div_url, 0 as passage_order FROM refbible rb, expositiontextunit t, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiondisplayitem di, canonicalbibleverse cv1, canonicalbiblechapter cc1, canonicalbiblebook cb, canonicalbibleverse cv2, canonicalbiblechapter cc2, biblebook b, bibletranslation trans  WHERE t.passage_id = 47516 and t.id = tt.placement_id and rb.container_id = di.ref_id and di.container_id = tt.id and di.ref_id is not null and cv1.id = rb.startverse_id and cv1.chapter_id = cc1.id and cc1.book_id = cb.id and cv2.id = rb.endverse_id and cv2.chapter_id = cc2.id and b.canonicalization_id = cb.id and b.translation_id = trans.id and trans.enabled order by di.ref_id, priority_order asc, trans.languagedefault desc) as b union select * from (SELECT distinct on (di.ref_id) di.ref_id, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || trans.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '' end) as multilink, false as is_bibleref, t2.ordering as section_order,  (case when trans.id = 61084 then 1 else case when trans.language_id in (select language_id from expositiontranslation where id = 61084) then 2 else case when trans.language_id = 123 then 3 else 4 end end end) as priority_order, trans.url as book_url, trans.url as trans_url, 0 as chapter_order1, 0 as chapter_order2, 0 as verse_order1, 0 as verse_order2, d.url as div_url, p.ordering as passage_order FROM refexposition re, expositiontextunit t, expositiontextunit t2, expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiondisplayitem di, expositionwork w, expositiontranslation trans WHERE t.passage_id = 47516 and t2.id = re.startlocation_id and p.id = t2.passage_id and d.id = p.division_id and re.container_id = di.ref_id and t.id = tt.placement_id and di.container_id = tt.id and di.ref_id is not null and d.work_id = w.id and w.id = trans.work_id and trans.url is not null and trans.ispublic and w.ispublic order by di.ref_id, priority_order asc, trans.islanguagedefault desc, trans.isoriginal desc) as e
28 2.53 ms
select tt.toc_text, wt.startpassage_id, p.swedenborgsection as startpassagenum, p2.swedenborgsection as endpassagenum, t.url as translation_url, d.url as division_url, p.ordering as startpassageorder, p2.ordering as endpassageorder, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || t.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '' end) as link_spec from expositiontranslationtoc tt, expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t, expositiondivision d, expositionpassage p, expositionworktoc wt left join expositionpassage p2 on wt.endpassage_id = p2.id where tt.translation_id = 61084 and tt.worktoc_id = wt.id and wt.startpassage_id = p.id and tt.translation_id = t.id and p.division_id = d.id and t.work_id = w.id order by p.ordering limit 1
29 0.34 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.translatedTitle AS translatedtitle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.url AS url_5, t0.isPublic AS ispublic_6, t0.audience AS audience_7, t0.isOriginal AS isoriginal_8, t0.isLanguageDefault AS islanguagedefault_9, t0.type_id AS type_id_10, t0.translationmethod_id AS translationmethod_id_11, t0.public_file AS public_file_12, t0.doc_link AS doc_link_13, t0.work_id AS work_id_14, t0.language_id AS language_id_15 FROM expositiontranslation t0 WHERE t0.url = ? AND t0.isPublic = ? AND t0.type_id = ? LIMIT 1
30 0.24 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.fullTitle AS fulltitle_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.url AS url_5, t0.isPublic AS ispublic_6, t0.audience AS audience_7, t0.swedenborgType AS swedenborgtype_8 FROM expositionwork t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
31 0.86 ms
SELECT e0_.id AS id_0, e0_.ordering AS ordering_1, e0_.title AS title_2, e0_.swedenborgSection AS swedenborgsection_3, e0_.division_id AS division_id_4 FROM expositionpassage e0_, expositiondivision e1_, expositionwork e2_ WHERE e0_.swedenborgSection = ? AND e0_.division_id = e1_.id AND e1_.work_id = e2_.id AND e2_.id = ? AND e2_.isPublic = true
32 0.19 ms
SELECT text_style_override  FROM language WHERE id = 123
33 0.29 ms
SELECT t.name FROM texttospeech t, texttospeechlanguage tl WHERE tl.language_id = 123 and t.id = tl.tts_id order by tl.is_standard desc limit 1
34 0.39 ms
SELECT credit, sourcelink from bibliographicdata b, translation_bibliographicdata tb WHERE tb.translation_id = 114 and tb.bibliographicdata_id = b.id and sourcelink is not null and credit is not null
35 0.22 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.url AS url_3, t0.ordering AS ordering_4, t0.work_id AS work_id_5, t0.superdivision_id AS superdivision_id_6 FROM expositiondivision t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
36 34.30 ms
SELECT p.id, t.url as translation_url, d.url as division_url,  (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then p.swedenborgsection else cast(p.ordering as text) end) as passage_num, p.ordering as passage_order, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || t.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '_' || p.ordering end) as multi_spec  FROM expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiontextunit tu, expositiontranslation t, expositionwork w WHERE d.work_id = 1 and p.division_id = d.id and p.ordering < 63680 and tt.translation_id=114 and tt.placement_id = tu.id and tu.passage_id = p.id and t.id = tt.translation_id and d.work_id = w.id order by p.ordering desc limit 1
37 23.60 ms
SELECT p.id, t.url as translation_url, d.url as division_url, (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then p.swedenborgsection else cast(p.ordering as text) end) as passage_num, p.ordering as passage_order, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || t.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '_' || p.ordering end) as multi_spec  FROM expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiontextunit tu, expositiontranslation t, expositionwork w WHERE d.work_id = 1 and p.division_id = d.id and p.ordering > 63680 and tt.translation_id=114 and tt.placement_id = tu.id and tu.passage_id = p.id and t.id = tt.translation_id and d.work_id = w.id order by p.ordering limit 1
38 0.69 ms
SELECT t.name, t.translatedtitle, (case when b.datecreated is null then '' else ' (' || b.datecreated || ')' end) as datestr, w.title as work_title, t.isoriginal, t.language_id FROM language l, expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t left join (select tb.translation_id, b.datecreated from bibliographicdata b, translation_bibliographicdata tb where b.id = tb.bibliographicdata_id) as b on t.id = b.translation_id WHERE t.id = 114 and t.work_id = w.id and t.language_id = l.id
39 0.23 ms
select text from ui_string_language where ui_string_id = 469 and language_id = 123
40 14.37 ms
SELECT 'bible_' || trans.url || '_' || cb.url || '_' || cc.ordering as link_spec, (case when trans.language_id in (select language_id from expositiontranslation where id = 114) then 2 else case when trans.language_id = 123 then 3 else 4 end end) as priority_order, cb.url as book_url, trans.url as trans_url, cc.ordering as chapter_order  FROM expositiontextunit t, canonicalbibleverse cv, canonicalbiblechapter cc, canonicalbiblebook cb, biblebook b, bibletranslation trans WHERE t.passage_id = 17483 and (cv.id in (select verse_id from verse_passage where passage_id = 17483 and iscorepassage) or cc.id in (select chapter_id from chapter_passage where passage_id = 17483) ) and cv.chapter_id = cc.id and cc.book_id = cb.id and b.canonicalization_id = cb.id and b.translation_id = trans.id and trans.enabled order by priority_order asc, trans.languagedefault desc limit 1
41 0.75 ms
select di1.text as footnote, array_to_string(array_agg(di3.text order by di3.ordering),' ') as footnote_text from expositiondisplayitem di1, (select di2.* from expositiondisplayitem di2, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiontextunit tu where tu.passage_id = 17483 and tt.translation_id = 114 and tu.id = tt.placement_id and di2.container_id = tt.id order by di2.ordering) as di3 where di3.containingitem_id = di1.id group by di1.text
42 7.06 ms
select * from (SELECT distinct on (di.ref_id) di.ref_id, 'bible_' || trans.url || '_' || cb.url || '_' || cc1.ordering || (case when cc1.id <> cc2.id then '-' || cc2.ordering else '' end) || '_' || cv1.ordering || (case when rb.startverse_id <> rb.endverse_id then '-' || cv2.ordering else '' end) as multilink, true as is_bibleref, 1 as section_order, (case when trans.language_id in (select language_id from expositiontranslation where id = 114) then 1 else case when trans.language_id = 123 then 2 else 3 end end ) as priority_order, cb.url as book_url, trans.url as trans_url, cc1.ordering as chapter_order1, cc2.ordering as chapter_order2, cv1.ordering as verse_order1, cv2.ordering as verse_order2, trans.url as div_url, 0 as passage_order FROM refbible rb, expositiontextunit t, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiondisplayitem di, canonicalbibleverse cv1, canonicalbiblechapter cc1, canonicalbiblebook cb, canonicalbibleverse cv2, canonicalbiblechapter cc2, biblebook b, bibletranslation trans  WHERE t.passage_id = 17483 and t.id = tt.placement_id and rb.container_id = di.ref_id and di.container_id = tt.id and di.ref_id is not null and cv1.id = rb.startverse_id and cv1.chapter_id = cc1.id and cc1.book_id = cb.id and cv2.id = rb.endverse_id and cv2.chapter_id = cc2.id and b.canonicalization_id = cb.id and b.translation_id = trans.id and trans.enabled order by di.ref_id, priority_order asc, trans.languagedefault desc) as b union select * from (SELECT distinct on (di.ref_id) di.ref_id, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || trans.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '' end) as multilink, false as is_bibleref, t2.ordering as section_order,  (case when trans.id = 114 then 1 else case when trans.language_id in (select language_id from expositiontranslation where id = 114) then 2 else case when trans.language_id = 123 then 3 else 4 end end end) as priority_order, trans.url as book_url, trans.url as trans_url, 0 as chapter_order1, 0 as chapter_order2, 0 as verse_order1, 0 as verse_order2, d.url as div_url, p.ordering as passage_order FROM refexposition re, expositiontextunit t, expositiontextunit t2, expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiondisplayitem di, expositionwork w, expositiontranslation trans WHERE t.passage_id = 17483 and t2.id = re.startlocation_id and p.id = t2.passage_id and d.id = p.division_id and re.container_id = di.ref_id and t.id = tt.placement_id and di.container_id = tt.id and di.ref_id is not null and d.work_id = w.id and w.id = trans.work_id and trans.url is not null and trans.ispublic and w.ispublic order by di.ref_id, priority_order asc, trans.islanguagedefault desc, trans.isoriginal desc) as e
43 4.95 ms
select tt.toc_text, wt.startpassage_id, p.swedenborgsection as startpassagenum, p2.swedenborgsection as endpassagenum, t.url as translation_url, d.url as division_url, p.ordering as startpassageorder, p2.ordering as endpassageorder, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || t.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '' end) as link_spec from expositiontranslationtoc tt, expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t, expositiondivision d, expositionpassage p, expositionworktoc wt left join expositionpassage p2 on wt.endpassage_id = p2.id where tt.translation_id = 114 and tt.worktoc_id = wt.id and wt.startpassage_id = p.id and tt.translation_id = t.id and p.division_id = d.id and t.work_id = w.id order by p.ordering limit 1
44 0.27 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.subsection AS subsection_3, t0.passage_id AS passage_id_4 FROM expositiontextunit t0 WHERE t0.passage_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
45 0.56 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.text AS text_2, t0.textVector AS textvector_3, t0.translation_id AS translation_id_4, t0.placement_id AS placement_id_5 FROM expositiontranslationtext t0 WHERE t0.placement_id = ?
46 2.73 ms
select tt.toc_text, wt.startpassage_id, p.swedenborgsection as startpassagenum, p2.swedenborgsection as endpassagenum, t.url as translation_url, d.url as division_url, p.ordering as startpassageorder, p2.ordering as endpassageorder, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || t.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '' end) as link_spec from expositiontranslationtoc tt, expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t, expositiondivision d, expositionpassage p, expositionworktoc wt left join expositionpassage p2 on wt.endpassage_id = p2.id where tt.translation_id = 114 and tt.worktoc_id = wt.id and wt.startpassage_id = p.id and tt.translation_id = t.id and p.division_id = d.id and t.work_id = w.id order by p.ordering limit 1
47 0.37 ms
SELECT w.book_id FROM expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t where t.id = 61084 and t.work_id = w.id limit 1
48 11.83 ms
select distinct on (chapter_order) * from (SELECT t.id as translation_id, t.url as translation_url, bs.name as explanationtitle, 'explanation' || '_' || t.url as explanation_spec, cbc.ordering as chapter_order, case when t.language_id = 149 then 1 else case when t.language_id = 123 then 2 end end as lang_order, case when t.id = 61084 then 1 else case when t.language_id = 149 then 2 else case when t.islanguagedefault then 3 else 4 end end end as trans_order, w.id as work_id, bs.id as story_id, t.language_id, (case when l.nativename is not null and l.nativename <> '' then l.nativename else l.name end) as language_name FROM expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t, story_work sw, biblestory bs, canonicalbiblechapter cbc, language l WHERE bs.chapter_id in (select id from canonicalbiblechapter where book_id in (select book_id from biblestory bs2, story_work sw2, canonicalbiblechapter cbc2 where sw2.work_id = 10971 and sw2.story_id = bs2.id and cbc2.id = bs2.chapter_id)) and sw.story_id = bs.id and w.id = sw.work_id and t.work_id=w.id and cbc.id = bs.chapter_id and t.language_id = l.id and w.ispublic AND t.ispublic order by cbc.ordering, lang_order, trans_order, t.is_modern desc, sw.ordering) as t
49 0.36 ms
SELECT w.book_id FROM expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t where t.id = 114 and t.work_id = w.id limit 1
50 1.60 ms
select distinct on (chapter_order) * from (SELECT t.id as translation_id, t.url as translation_url, bs.name as explanationtitle, 'explanation' || '_' || t.url as explanation_spec, cbc.ordering as chapter_order, case when t.language_id = 123 then 1 else case when t.language_id = 123 then 2 end end as lang_order, case when t.id = 114 then 1 else case when t.language_id = 123 then 2 else case when t.islanguagedefault then 3 else 4 end end end as trans_order, w.id as work_id, bs.id as story_id, t.language_id, (case when l.nativename is not null and l.nativename <> '' then l.nativename else l.name end) as language_name FROM expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t, story_work sw, biblestory bs, canonicalbiblechapter cbc, language l WHERE bs.chapter_id in (select id from canonicalbiblechapter where book_id in (select book_id from biblestory bs2, story_work sw2, canonicalbiblechapter cbc2 where sw2.work_id = 1 and sw2.story_id = bs2.id and cbc2.id = bs2.chapter_id)) and sw.story_id = bs.id and w.id = sw.work_id and t.work_id=w.id and cbc.id = bs.chapter_id and t.language_id = l.id and w.ispublic AND t.ispublic order by cbc.ordering, lang_order, trans_order, t.is_modern desc, sw.ordering) as t
51 0.34 ms
select case when w.swedenborgtype is null then false else true end as sw from expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t where t.id = 61084 and t.work_id = w.id
52 0.32 ms
select case when w.swedenborgtype is null then false else true end as sw from expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t where t.id = 114 and t.work_id = w.id
53 0.53 ms
select shortcode, (case when nativename is not null and nativename <> '' then nativename else name end) as name FROM language where shortcode in ('en','sq','bg','zh','hr','cs','nl','fr','ka','de','hi','it','ja','ko','la','mk','ml','me','pt','ru','sr','es','sv','tl','uk','zu')
54 0.49 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.url AS url_4, t0.indexPage AS indexpage_5 FROM expositioncategory t0 INNER JOIN translation_category ON t0.id = translation_category.category_id WHERE translation_category.translation_id = ?
55 0.28 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.siteDefault AS sitedefault_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.frenchName AS frenchname_4, t0.nativeName AS nativename_5, t0.bibliographicCode AS bibliographiccode_6, t0.terminologicCode AS terminologiccode_7, t0.shortCode AS shortcode_8, t0.rightToLeft AS righttoleft_9, t0.searchLibrary AS searchlibrary_10 FROM language t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
56 0.32 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.translatedTitle AS translatedtitle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.url AS url_5, t0.isPublic AS ispublic_6, t0.audience AS audience_7, t0.isOriginal AS isoriginal_8, t0.isLanguageDefault AS islanguagedefault_9, t0.type_id AS type_id_10, t0.translationmethod_id AS translationmethod_id_11, t0.public_file AS public_file_12, t0.doc_link AS doc_link_13, t0.work_id AS work_id_14, t0.language_id AS language_id_15 FROM expositiontranslation t0 WHERE t0.work_id = ?
57 0.24 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.siteDefault AS sitedefault_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.frenchName AS frenchname_4, t0.nativeName AS nativename_5, t0.bibliographicCode AS bibliographiccode_6, t0.terminologicCode AS terminologiccode_7, t0.shortCode AS shortcode_8, t0.rightToLeft AS righttoleft_9, t0.searchLibrary AS searchlibrary_10 FROM language t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
58 0.39 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.url AS url_3, t0.isPublic AS ispublic_4, t0.level_id AS level_id_5, t0.startVerse_id AS startverse_id_6, t0.endVerse_id AS endverse_id_7, t0.chapter_id AS chapter_id_8 FROM biblestory t0 INNER JOIN story_work ON t0.id = story_work.story_id WHERE story_work.work_id = ?
59 0.29 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.story_id AS story_id_2, t0.image_id AS image_id_3 FROM storyillustration t0 WHERE t0.story_id = ?
60 0.65 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.width AS width_2, t0.height AS height_3, t0.location AS location_4, t0.isLocal AS islocal_5, t0.alt AS alt_6, t0.copyright AS copyright_7, t0.notice AS notice_8, t0.license AS license_9, t0.youtube_id AS youtube_id_10, t0.visibilityDefault AS visibilitydefault_11, t0.language_id AS language_id_12 FROM embed t0 INNER JOIN story_embed ON t0.id = story_embed.embed_id WHERE story_embed.story_id = ?
61 0.74 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.recordNumber AS recordnumber_2, t0.file AS file_3, t0.title AS title_4, t0.description AS description_5, t0.author AS author_6, t0.credit AS credit_7, t0.link AS link_8, t0.date AS date_9, t0.license AS license_10, t0.width AS width_11, t0.height AS height_12, t0.language_id AS language_id_13, t0.mediatype_id AS mediatype_id_14 FROM image t0 INNER JOIN textunit_image ON t0.id = textunit_image.image_id WHERE textunit_image.textunit_id = ?
62 1.17 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.container_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
63 0.83 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
64 0.24 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
65 0.23 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
66 0.23 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
67 0.25 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
68 0.24 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
69 0.22 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
70 0.59 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
71 0.24 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
72 0.21 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
73 0.22 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
74 0.22 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
75 0.22 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
76 0.21 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
77 0.21 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
78 0.20 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
79 0.21 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
80 0.21 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
81 0.20 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
82 0.21 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
83 0.20 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
84 0.20 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
85 0.20 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
86 0.21 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
87 0.20 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
88 0.24 ms
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91 0.20 ms
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93 0.19 ms
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94 0.21 ms
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96 0.21 ms
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100 0.29 ms
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SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.container_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
107 0.22 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.passage_id AS passage_id_3, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_4 FROM passage_media t0 WHERE t0.passage_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Translation No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Work No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Language No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Bibliographic\BibliographicData No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Category No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Bible\Stories\Story No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Division No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Passage No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\TextUnit No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Relation\PassageMedia No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\TranslationText No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Reference\CombinedReference No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Media\Image No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\DisplayItem No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Collection No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Bible\Canonical\Verse No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Bible\Canonical\Chapter No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Relation\StoryIllustration No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Media\Embed No errors.