Query Metrics

12 Database Queries
12 Different statements
28.86 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 2.30 ms
SELECT id FROM language WHERE shortcode = 'ml' limit 1
2 7.14 ms
SELECT max(sl.datemod) FROM ui_string_language sl, ui_string s WHERE sl.language_id in (268, 123) and s.id = sl.ui_string_id and s.is_active and s.type_id in (1, 3)
3 10.74 ms
SELECT distinct s.name, case when sl2.id is null then sl.text else sl2.text end as text, s.fix_quote FROM (select * from ui_string_language where language_id = 123) sl, ui_string s left join (select * from ui_string_language where language_id = 268 and text is not null and text <> '') sl2 on s.id = sl2.ui_string_id where s.id = sl.ui_string_id and s.is_active and s.type_id in (1, 3)
4 1.09 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.translatedTitle AS translatedtitle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.url AS url_5, t0.isPublic AS ispublic_6, t0.audience AS audience_7, t0.isOriginal AS isoriginal_8, t0.isLanguageDefault AS islanguagedefault_9, t0.type_id AS type_id_10, t0.translationmethod_id AS translationmethod_id_11, t0.public_file AS public_file_12, t0.doc_link AS doc_link_13, t0.work_id AS work_id_14, t0.language_id AS language_id_15 FROM expositiontranslation t0 WHERE t0.url = ? AND t0.isPublic = ? LIMIT 1
5 0.33 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.siteDefault AS sitedefault_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.frenchName AS frenchname_4, t0.nativeName AS nativename_5, t0.bibliographicCode AS bibliographiccode_6, t0.terminologicCode AS terminologiccode_7, t0.shortCode AS shortcode_8, t0.rightToLeft AS righttoleft_9, t0.searchLibrary AS searchlibrary_10 FROM language t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
6 0.20 ms
select translationmethod_id from expositiontranslation where id = 16322
7 2.90 ms
SELECT b.*, bp.creators, l.name as license_name, l.terms as license_terms, cr.description as copyright from translation_bibliographicdata tb,  bibliographicdata b LEFT JOIN (SELECT bp1.bibliographicdata_id, string_agg(CASE WHEN p.name is not null then p.name else ((((p.firstname)::text || CASE WHEN (p.middlename IS NULL) THEN ''::text ELSE (' '::text || (p.middlename)::text) END) || ' '::text) || (p.lastname)::text) end, ', '::text) AS creators FROM bibliographicdata_person bp1, person p WHERE (bp1.person_id = p.id and bp1.role_id = 2) GROUP BY bp1.bibliographicdata_id) bp ON (b.id = bp.bibliographicdata_id) LEFT JOIN lnccopyrightholder cr on b.copyright_id = cr.id LEFT JOIN license l on b.license_id = l.id where  tb.translation_id = 16322 and tb.bibliographicdata_id = b.id
8 0.42 ms
SELECT * from publication where biblio_id = 1535
9 2.18 ms
SELECT b.*, bp.creators, l.name as license_name, l.terms as license_terms, cr.description as copyright, t.url as translation_url from translation_bibliographicdata tb, expositiontranslation t, bibliographicdata b LEFT JOIN (SELECT bp1.bibliographicdata_id, string_agg(CASE WHEN p.name is not null then p.name else ((((p.firstname)::text || CASE WHEN (p.middlename IS NULL) THEN ''::text ELSE (' '::text || (p.middlename)::text) END) || ' '::text) || (p.lastname)::text) end, ', '::text) AS creators FROM bibliographicdata_person bp1, person p WHERE (bp1.person_id = p.id and (bp1.role_id = 1 or bp1.role_id is null)) GROUP BY bp1.bibliographicdata_id) bp ON (b.id = bp.bibliographicdata_id) LEFT JOIN lnccopyrightholder cr on b.copyright_id = cr.id LEFT JOIN license l on b.license_id = l.id WHERE tb.translation_id in (select id from expositiontranslation where work_id in (select work_id from expositiontranslation where id = 16322) and isoriginal) and tb.bibliographicdata_id = b.id and t.id = tb.translation_id
10 0.76 ms
select shortcode, (case when nativename is not null and nativename <> '' then nativename else name end) as name FROM language where shortcode in ('en','sq','bg','zh','hr','cs','nl','fr','ka','de','hi','it','ja','ko','la','mk','ml','me','pt','ru','sr','es','sv','tl','uk','zu')
11 0.52 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.fullTitle AS fulltitle_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.url AS url_5, t0.isPublic AS ispublic_6, t0.audience AS audience_7, t0.swedenborgType AS swedenborgtype_8 FROM expositionwork t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
12 0.27 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.translatedTitle AS translatedtitle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.url AS url_5, t0.isPublic AS ispublic_6, t0.audience AS audience_7, t0.isOriginal AS isoriginal_8, t0.isLanguageDefault AS islanguagedefault_9, t0.type_id AS type_id_10, t0.translationmethod_id AS translationmethod_id_11, t0.public_file AS public_file_12, t0.doc_link AS doc_link_13, t0.work_id AS work_id_14, t0.language_id AS language_id_15 FROM expositiontranslation t0 WHERE t0.work_id = ?

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Translation No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Work No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Language No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Bibliographic\BibliographicData No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Category No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Bible\Stories\Story No errors.
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Division No errors.