Index - Apocalypse Revealed - 2 #3

Ngu Emanuel Swedenborg
Yiya esigabeni / 26  

3. C

Calf [vitulus]. A calf signifies the natural affection of knowing truths, and, in the opposite sense, the affection of knowing falsities, shown n. 242. Calves in sacrifices signify the affection of knowing truths: and the calves of Egypt, and the calves of Samaria signify the affection of knowing falsities, n. 242. The calf, which was one of the four animals which were cherubim, signifies the Divine truth of the Word as to affection, illustrated n. 242.

Called [vocatus]. By the called, in a general sense, are meant all throughout the world, because all are called, n. 744. By the called, in a particular sense, are meant they who are with the Lord, illustrated n. 744. The called to the marriage supper of the lamb signify those who receive the things which are of the new church, n. 816. The called, the chosen, and the faithful signify those who are in the externals, the internals, and inmosts of the church, n. 744.

Camp [castra]. A camp signifies all the truths and goods of the church, shown n. 862.

Candle. See Lamp.

Candlestick. See Lampstand.

Captive, Captivity [captivus, captivitas]. Captivity signifies spiritual captivity, which is a leading away from truths and goods, and detention in falsities and evils, shown n. 591. The bound and shut up in prison signify the same as captives, n. 591, shown n. 884 toward the end. See Bound. Chain [catena]. To have a chain in the hand signifies the endeavor proceeding from the power of binding loosing 840.

Chalice [calix, vide poculum]. See Cup.

Chariot [currus]. A chariot signifies the doctrine of the church, shown n. 437. A coach signifies nearly the same, shown n. 781.

Charity [charitas]. For the good of charity and of life, see Works. For the nature of mutual love, n. 353, see Love. Faith is from charity, and it is the form of charity, altogether like speech and sound, illustrated n. 655, illustrated n. 875. What is the quality of the man of the church, if he gives charity the precedence: and what is his quality, if he gives faith the precedence, illustrated n. 655. Charity and faith are not any thing unless they are in works, and in works they exist and subsist, illustrated n. 875. Charity and faith also exist and subsist in works while they are inwardly in will or endeavor, illustrated n. 875. A comparison made between charity and faith, and heat and light, from which may be seen the nature of faith united with charity, and the nature of faith separated from charity, illustrated n. 875. Charity consists in doing the commandments of the Decalogue, shown from Paul, n. 356. A disputation among those who make faith the primary, and consequently spiritual, and thence heavenly, illustrated n. 386, 655. The neighbor is not to be thought of from his person, but from his quality, illustrated n. 611. A dispute concerning faith alone was heard at a distance like the gnashing of teeth, and a disputation concerning charity like a beating noise, illustrated n. 386.

Chasten, to, and to Rebuke [castigare et arguere]. They signify to tempt, n. 215.

Cherubim [cherubi]. The four animals in the throne, and round about the throne, were cherubim; and that cherubim signifies the Word in its literal sense, and defenses or guards, lest the interior senses, which are spiritual and celestial, should be hurt, illustrated and shown n. 239, 275, 296, 314. The first chapter of Ezekiel concerning the cherubim explained, n. 239 toward the end. Seraphim signify doctrine from the Word 245.

Christ [Christus]. Christ is the messiah, shown n. 520. Christ or the messiah is the son of God, shown n. 520. By Christ is meant the Divine human of the Lord, n. 520; {w219}. By Christ is meant the Divine truth. by false Christs are meant Divine truths falsified, shown 595.

Church [ecclesia]. For the doctrine of the Reformed concerning the church, see the doctrines of the Reformed churches in what is premised, n. 18. The church appears before the Lord as a man, beautiful or deformed according to its doctrine, and at the same time conformity of life to it, n. 601. The church becomes more perfect, as the various things of which it consists are conveniently disposed in their order, n. 66, 73. Every church commences from the goods of life or charity, and terminates in faith alone, n. 82. The church in process of time decreases, by receding from the good of love and truths of faith, even until evil is supposed to be good, and falsity truth, n. 658. The angels of heaven lament when the church on the earth is destroyed, and pray to the Lord that it may be brought to an end, which is effected by the last judgment, illustrated n. 645. Because the church on the earth is the foundation of heaven, n. 645. At the end of the present church there exists such an inversion and affliction as can never be exceeded, shown n. 711. The church on the earth will be in all things even as the church is in the heavens, because they are conjoined like the internal and the external with man, illustrated n. 533. The church on the earth, like heaven, is distinguished into three degrees; hence that those who are in the church are in the externals, internals, and inmosts, n. 744. They who are in the externals are said to be the called; they who are in the internals, the chosen; and they who are in the inmosts, the faithful, n. 744. The doctrine of truth constitutes the church, and a life conformable thereto constitutes religion, illustrated n. 923. Where the life is not conformable to doctrine, there is neither religion nor a church, n. 923. At this day there is no church in the Christian world, neither among the Roman Catholics, nor among the Reformed, illustrated n. 263, illustrated n. 675. There is no church among the Roman Catholics, but a religious persuasion, because they do not approach the Lord, nor read the Word, and because they invoke the dead, n. 718. The church of the Lord as to doctrine is represented as a city, and sometimes as an espoused virgin, illustrated n. 881. By the seven churches are meant all who are of the church in the Christian world, and every one according to reception, n. 10, 41, 69. In the Word of both testaments it is predicted concerning a new church, which will acknowledge the Lord only, and that this prediction has not been fulfilled until this day, n. 478. This new church, inasmuch as it will acknowledge the Lord only, is called the bride and the wife of the Lord, shown n. 533. This new church is meant and described in Revelation by the new Jerusalem, illustrated and shown n. 880, 881. All things appertaining to the new church will be from the good of love, n. 907, illustrated 908, 912, 917. All who are in truths from good are received into the new church, because they love the light thereof and the rest cannot bear that light, illustrated n. 922. This new church is successively formed and increases; the reason whereof is that the falsities of the former church are first to be rejected, also that the new heaven has first to be formed, which will act in unity with it, n. 547. This new church cannot be established before those things which are meant by the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, are removed, shown n. 473. This new church will consist of such as approach the Lord only, and perform the work of repentance from evil works, illustrated and shown n. 6972. The two essentials of the new church are, the acknowledgment of the Lord, that he is the God of heaven and earth, and that his human is Divine; the other, a life conformable to the precepts of the Decalogue; and that these two are conjoined, like the two tables of the Decalogue, and like love to God and love toward the neighbor, n. 490, illustrated and shown, n. 903. They who desire to destroy these two essentials of the new church will perish, n. 494. They cannot receive any truth from heaven, n. 496. They falsify the Word, n. 497. They plunge themselves into all kinds of evils and falsities, n. 498. Those who acknowledge faith alone will reject these two essentials, n. 500, 501. These two essentials of the new church are in opposition to the two essentials of the old church, concerning which illustrated n. 509, illustrated n. 537.

City [urbs]. A city signifies the doctrine of the church illustrated and shown n. 194, illustrated n. 712, illustrated n. 861, 881. Inasmuch as the church is described as a city, shown n. 896. Jerusalem as a city signifies the new church of the Lord as to doctrine, n. 879, 912. The cities of the nations signify heretical doctrines, n. 712.

Cleft [fissure]. See Rock.

Cloak [pallia]. See Garment.

Clouds [nubes]. Clouds signify Divine truth in the ultimates, consequently the Word in the sense of the letter, shown n. 24, 466, 642, 820. White clouds signify the Word in the literal sense translucent from its spiritual sense, n. 642. By the Lord’s saying he will come in the clouds of heaven with glory, is signified his advent in the Word, and a revelation of its spiritual sense from him for the use of the new church which will then be established, shown n. 24, shown n. 642, illustrated n. 820.

Cluster [botrus]. See Grapes.

Color [color]. White and red are fundamental colors in heaven, because white is from the light of the sun of heaven, and red is from the fire of the sun there, concerning which, illustrated n. 231, 915; See White Red. Those two colors are changed into other colors by shade which in heaven is ignorance 915. There exists a satanic black, which is opposite to white, and a diabolic black which is opposite to red, n. 231, 232.

Companion [socius]. What is signified by companion and brother, 32.

Comparison [comparatio]. Comparisons in the Word are from correspondences, n. 334.

Conception [generatio]. See Birth.

Confession [confessio]. Of repentance and confession among the Reformed, see the doctrines of the Reformed in what is premised at p. 19, Vol. 1.

Confirmation [confirmatio]. There is a false light arising from confirmation, and it appears to those who are in falsities as light, but it is the light of infatuation, which is of such a nature that it is converted into darkness on the flowing in of light from heaven, and the sight of their eyes is like that of owls and bats, illustrated n. 566, 695. Those who have confirmed themselves in falsities are not willing to understand truth, and it appears as if they were not able, n. 765.

Consummation [consummatio]. Consummation and the consummation of the age signifies the end of the church, which takes place when there no longer remains any good of life or truth of doctrine in the church, illustrated and shown n. 658. Consummation in the Word is also called devastation and decision, shown n. 658. Consummation or devastation is effected by the deprivation of goods and truths, which being taken away man enters into the evils and the falsities which he inwardly cherished, shown n. 676. What is meant by the last words of the Lord to the disciples, in Matthew, that he would remain with them even until the consummation of the age, n. 750.

Containing, Contained [continens, contentum]. The thing containing signifies the same with the thing contained, illustrated n. 406, 672. See Vessel.

Conversion [conversio]. Angels and good men as to their spirit continually turn themselves toward the Lord as a sun, and thus they have the Lord continually before their face, and this which way soever they turn, which is wonderful; and the devils continually turn themselves from the Lord, n. 380, 938.

Copper [cuprum]. See Brass.

Corner [angulus]. The four corners signify the four quarters of the spiritual world, shown n. 342. Hence the four corners of the earth signify the entire heaven, n. 342. The cornerstone signifies the foundation, n. 342.

Correspondence [correspondentia]. There is a correspondence between the natural and spiritual, concerning which, illustrated n. 1.

Costliness [pretiosa]. Costliness signifies the holy things of the church, shown n. 789.

Cotton. See Linen.

Court [atrium]. The court of the temple signifies the external heaven, and heaven in ultimates, also the church on earth, illustrated and shown n. 487. Concerning the two courts of the temple at Jerusalem, n. 487.

Covenant [foedus]. Covenant signifies conjunction, illustrated and shown n. 529, toward the end.

Create, to [creare]. To create signifies to reform and regenerate shown n. 254, 476.

Creature [creatura]. Creatures signify all who are to be created, that is, who are capable of being reformed, shown n. 405. What is signified by creatures of the earth, air, and sea, n. 405. See Beasts, Fowls, and Fish.

Cross [crux]. The cross signifies temptations, shown n. 639. To crucify signifies many things, principally to deny the Lord to be the son of God, n. 504.

Crown [corona]. Crown signifies wisdom, illustrated and shown n. 189, 252. A crown signifies an ensign of warfare and victory, shown n. 300. Hence a crown was an ensign of victory to martyrs because they had conquered in temptations, n. 103.

Crucify, to [crucifigere]. See Cross.

Crying, or a Cry [clamor]. Crying or a cry is spoken of grief and fear of the falsities from hell, and thence of damnation, shown n. 885. It is spoken of every affection breaking out from the heart, n. 885.

Cunning [astus]. See Deceit.

Cup [poculum]. A cup, chalice, platter, vial signify the same as the things contained in them; if wine is in them, they signify truth or falsity, illustrated and shown n. 672. A bottle or pitcher signifies the same, shown n. 672 toward the end. Vials full of the wrath of God signify the evils falsities in the church 673. To pour out the vials upon the earth, and upon the sea signifies influx into the church, n. 676, 677, 680.

Cursed Thing [devotum]. A cursed thing signifies evil, which separates the Lord from man, n. 937.

Custody [custodia]. See Bound and Captive.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.