Deuteronomium 1:7
Коментар на този стих
От Alexander Payne
Verse 7. And that the state of the mind must now be inverted, and progression made in the heavenly life, it is necessary to explore the evils existing in the mind from self-love, and its kindred evils, and that the new regenerate principles received from the Lord must pervade all things of doctrine, and all things of life, the conduct of external business, and the way in which truth is to be received, and the acquisition of knowledges, and the whole extension of the Church in things rational and in all that pertains to contemplation and thought. [Note.—"The reason why the river is twice mentioned, namely, the great river, the river Euphrates, is, because by the great river is signified the influx of things spiritual into things rational, and by the river Euphrates the influx of things rational into things natural, thus by both is signified the influx of things spiritual by the rational principle into things natural" (Apocalypse Explained 569).]
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