Deuteronomy 4:22
Коментар на този стих
От Alexander Payne
Verse 22. But truth must be stored in the memory while the soul is in an external state, and cannot, while it is regarded as the chief thing, conduct the soul to the internal life of goodness; but when truths are carried out into the life, the soul shall enter into it and possess it. [Note (verse 21, etc.).—Even truths themselves are productive of evil if a man begins to imagine himself superior to others on account of them. The possession of truths, which are spiritual riches, is a serious responsibility, and the more truths a man thinks he has, the more is it necessary for him to examine if they are made use of in the life; for truths, like Moses, will die on this side of Jordan, and will not accompany the soul in the next world except so far as they have been worked but in the life (Matthew 7:21-27).]
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