列王記上 20:36



36 彼はその人に言った、「あなたは主の言葉に聞き従わないゆえ、わたしを離れて行くとすぐ、ししがあなたを殺すでしょう」。その人が彼のそばを離れて行くとすぐ、ししが彼に会って彼を殺した。

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От Henry MacLagan

Verse 36. Wherefore it is the judgment of Divine Truth, that he who disregards conscience, and therefore is not willing to endure temptations, will be devastated by falsities, as soon as, from his state of evil, he has rejected truths. And this is actually fulfilled in the case of him who resists evil externally, but not internally or from spiritual good.