신명기 5:21



21 네 이웃의 아내를 탐내지도 말지니라 ! 네 이웃의 집이나, 그의 밭이나, 그의 남종이나, 그의 여종이나, 그의 소나, 그의 나귀나, 무릇 네 이웃의 소유를 탐내지 말지니라 !

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От Alexander Payne

Verse 21. Great heed is to be taken of the loves of self and the world, lest they should induce the understanding to use the truths of the Church for selfish ends, or lest they should induce the will to appropriate its goods to self, or to turn to selfish or evil ends the doctrines of. the Church within the soul, or its rational truths, or the love of them, its natural good or natural truths, or any of those things which are given simply to enable the soul to live more unselfishly for the good of others.