列王記上 22:8



8 イスラエルの王はヨシャパテに言った、「われわれがに問うことのできる人が、まだひとりいます。イムラのミカヤです。彼はわたしについて良い事を預言せず、ただ悪い事だけを預言するので、わたしは彼を憎んでいます」。ヨシャパテは言った、「王よ、そう言わないでください」。

Commentary on this verse  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 8. And the man of the corrupted church, under the external influence of truth from good, admits the existence of genuine truth in the Word, which is from the Lord in all fulness and purity; but is opposed to such truth because it condemns his evil of life; while he who is in the faith of charity is in sympathy with such truth.