レビ記 10:19



19 アロンはモーセに言った、「見よ、きょう、彼らはその祭と燔祭とを主のにささげたが、このような事がわたしに臨んだ。もしわたしが、きょう祭のものを食べたとしたら、はこれを良しとせられたであろうか」。

Commentary on this verse  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 19. Therefore it is perceived from Divine Good by Divine Truth that, indeed, false representative worship for deliverance from evil and for the communication of good had been offered, which gave no external conjunction with the Lord, even when the External was separated from the Internal; for in the case of profane worship, even such external conjunction was impossible; and hence, therefore, the external appropriation of good was impossible in that state of profanity.