신명기 3:12



12 그 때에 우리가 이 땅을 얻으매 아르논 골짜기 곁에 아로엘에서부터 길르앗 산지 절반과 그 성읍들을 내가 르우벤 자손과 갓 자손에게 주었고

Commentary on this verse  

By Alexander Payne

Verse 12. And in the new state to which the soul has now progressed, all these faculties and all the exteriors of the natural mind, from the first conceptions of truth derived from a rational study of the Word to the state in which spiritual things are received in the mind with delight, and the doctrines of truth with which the soul is stored from this source, are occupied by true faith in the Lord (Reuben) and good works thence resulting (Gad).