Deuteronomy 3:17
Commentary on this verse
By Alexander Payne
Verse 17. The external mind also as to doctrine and truth to its utmost boundaries, from the sources and origins whence they flow (Chinnereth or Gennesaret) even to where they are stored in the memory of the sensual man and conjoined to its desires, now comes under the control of things derived from the spiritual man (Ashdoth-pisgah or the springs of the hill). [Note (verses 1-17)—By the conquest of Og seems to be described the change which comes over the soul when the immense importance of the future life is fully realized and acted upon as compared with this. When his kingdom is fully conquered and occupied by Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh (true faith, life thence resulting, and the regenerate will), the primary object in life is no more worldly success and prosperity, but security from temptation, avoidance of sin, and everything that would imperil eternal life. In the present day (emphatically the iron age) it behoves each member of the Church to consider whether his primary thoughts and endeavours in life are directed to ensure his eternal welfare, or whether he is tainted by the spirit of the age, and passes the greater part of his time on his iron bed of worldly pursuits and science, with the spiritual aspirations of his mind fast asleep.]
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