1 Konungaboken 22:6



6 Då församlade Israels konung profeterna, vid pass fyra hundra män, och frågade dem: »Skall jag draga åstad mot Ramot i Gilead för att belägra det, eller skall jag avstå därifrån?» De svarade: »Drag ditupp; Herren skall giva det i konungens hand

Commentary on this verse  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 6. For which reason the falsified doctrines of the corrupted church are consulted in their totality, and as being disposed for conflict. And when inquiry is made by their means from the Word, as to the necessity, or otherwise, of opposing natural good for its elevation from the state in which it is when dominated by merely natural love, it is perceived that such conflict is necessary, and will be successful.