3я Царств 21:19



19 І будеш говорити до нього, кажучи: Так сказав Господь: Ти вбив, а тепер хочеш посісти? І говоритимеш до нього, кажучи: Так сказав Господь: На тому місці, де пси лизали Навотову кров, пси лизатимуть і твою власну кров!

Commentary on this verse  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 19. And must flow in with the perception, that the Lord knows the iniquity of the corrupted church in rejecting the doctrine of the New Church, and claiming the good of that church; and also with the perception that, as the lusts of self-love, in a depraved state of man, destroy charity, so evil returns upon him who practises it, and the profaner is consumed by his own lusts.