Και εκοιμηθη ο Ιωσαφατ μετα των πατερων αυτου και εταφη μετα των πατερων αυτου εν τη πολει Δαβιδ του πατρος αυτου· εβασιλευσε δε αντ' αυτου Ιωραμ ο υιος αυτου.
Και εκοιμηθη ο Ιωσαφατ μετα των πατερων αυτου και εταφη μετα των πατερων αυτου εν τη πολει Δαβιδ του πατρος αυτου· εβασιλευσε δε αντ' αυτου Ιωραμ ο υιος αυτου.
Napsal(a) Henry MacLagan
Verse 50. And therefore, in his judgment, he is associated with his like—that is, with those in good, in the eternal world and state—and is raised to new life in an external corresponding to his internal, a new state of the church (on earth) succeeding.
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