Divine Love and Wisdom #18

Durch Emanuel Swedenborg

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18. Everyone can affirm in himself the existence of infinite elements in God if he believes that God is a person. And because God is a person, He has a body, and everything associated with a body. Thus He has a face, breast, abdomen, loins, and feet; for without these He would not be a person. Moreover, because He has these constituents, He also has eyes, ears, nose, mouth and tongue, and also the components which are found inside a person, such as a heart and lungs, and the organs that depend on these, all of which taken together make a person to be a person. In a created person these constituents are many, and regarded in their complexities they are beyond number. But in the human God they are infinite. Nothing is lacking. Consequently His is an infinite perfection.

We compare the uncreated person who is God with a created one for the reason that God is a person, and He Himself says that He created man in the world in His image and into His likeness (Genesis 1:26-27).

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.