Finding Your Way Around Swedenborg's Works
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General Index to Swedenborg's Scripture Quotations
- Our searchable database of Swedenborg's scripture references (Searle's Index)
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Glossar und Thesaurus für Swedenborgs Schriften
This glossary defines terms used by Emanuel Swedenborg in his theological works. It was originally compiled by John Stuart Bogg in 1915. We have included it in our database; here's a link to the searchable Glossary of Terms tool we created. You can search/sort and see excerpts and linked references as well. (And here's a link to the original glossary in .pdf format, for those that are interested.)
Collateral Literature
Swedenborg Concordance
The Swedenborg Concordance is a complete work of reference to the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg based on his original Latin writings. Compiled, edited and translated by John Faulkner Potts. This public domain book is made available by The Internet Archive.
Latin Search
Weitere Übersetzungen der Werke Swedenborgs
Scans von gedruckten Ausgaben von Swedenborgs Werken im lateinischen Original
Swedenborgs Studienbibeln
Andere lateinische Werkzeuge
- Whitaker's Words Online
-, a site that makes it easy to learn Latin.
Protestantische und katholische Dokumente, die Swedenborg kritisiert
- The Book of Concord
- The Formula of Concord (Epitome), or, in the original Latin, the Formula Concordia.
- The decrees of the Roman Catholic Church's Council of Trent, from 1546 to 1563.
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