True Christian Religion #711

Durch Emanuel Swedenborg

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711. III. By understanding this it is possible to grasp the fact that the Holy Supper contains everything to do with the church and heaven, both at the universal and at the particular level.

It was shown in the previous section that the Lord Himself is present in the Holy Supper, and that flesh and bread are the Lord in respect of the Divine good of love, and blood and wine are the Lord in respect of the Divine truth of wisdom. There are therefore three items involved in the Holy Supper, the Lord, His Divine good and His Divine truth. So since the Holy Supper includes and contains these three, it follows that it also includes and contains the universals of heaven and the church. Since all particulars depend upon universals, as contents do on their containers, it also follows that the Holy Supper includes and contains all the particulars of heaven and the church. The first fact established by this is that, since the Lord's flesh and blood, and likewise bread and wine, mean the Divine good and the Divine truth, both coming from the Lord and being the Lord, the Holy Supper contains everything to do with heaven and the church both at the universal and at the particular level.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.