Schritt 76: True love has use for an end and intends it


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Question to Consider:

What are some of the uses that are close to your heart?

Divine Love and Wisdom #297

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Durch Emanuel Swedenborg

297. Everyone who thinks with some enlightenment can see that love has as its end and intends some useful endeavor, and that it produces the useful endeavor through wisdom; for love cannot produce any useful endeavor of itself, but only by means of wisdom. Indeed, what is love unless there is something that is loved? This something is useful endeavor. And because useful endeavor is that which is loved, and it is produced through wisdom, it follows that useful endeavor is the containing medium of love and wisdom.

We have already shown in nos. 209-216 and elsewhere that these three - love, wisdom and useful endeavor - follow in sequence in accordance with degrees of height, and that the last degree embraces, contains, and is the foundation of the prior degrees.

It can be seen from this that the aforementioned three elements - the Divine element of love, the Divine element of wisdom, and the Divine element of useful endeavor - are in the Lord, and that in essence they are the Lord.