申命記 2:14



14 カデシ・バルネアを出てこのかた、ゼレデ川を渡るまでの間の三十八年であって、その世代のいくさびとはみな死に絶えて、宿営のうちにいなくなった。主が彼らに誓われたとおりである。

La Explicación  

Por Alexander Payne

Verse 14. And the state in which the soul comes from the affection of interior or rational truth into the commencement of the life of good is one in which truths are in fullness, and a new state is commencing in which the self-will of the evil proprium is becoming subdued, and the soul is convinced of its insufficiency to contend in its own strength against evil as declared by the Lord.