Other Planets #127

By Emanuel Swedenborg

Study this Passage

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127. A First Extrasolar Planet and Its Spirits and Inhabitants, Based on Things I Heard and Saw for Myself

Angels who had been sent by the Lord took me to a particular extrasolar planet, where I was allowed to observe the planet itself, but not to speak with its inhabitants-although I was allowed to speak with spirits who came from there. After their lives in the physical world come to an end, all the people who inhabit a given planet become spirits and remain in the general neighborhood of their planet. They are still able, therefore, to be a source of information about their planet and the state of the people who live there, because when we leave our bodies we take with us our whole former life, including our whole memory. 1

[2] Being taken to other planets in the universe does not mean being taken there in the body, but rather in the spirit, which is led through changes of the state of its inner life that seem like movement through space. 2 What enables people to approach each other is harmony or similarity in the states of their lives, because harmony and similarity bring people together, and discord and dissimilarity drive them apart. As a result, a person’s spirit can be transported and brought to distant places while the person remains in the same place.

[3] Only the Lord, though, has the power to lead our spirit outside its usual sphere through changes of our inner state. Only he can bring it about that these changes follow a sequence that leads to a state of harmony or similarity with the people to whom we are being led. This requires foresight and constant guidance from beginning to end, there and back, and this is especially true in the case of people who are still bodily present in the material world, and are therefore in [time and] space.

[4] This actually happened to me, but if people are completely absorbed in their physical senses and do their thinking on that basis, there is no way to get them to believe that. This is because the physical senses cannot grasp the idea of travel without moving through space. If people do their thinking on the basis of the senses of their spirit, though, at least somewhat above and away from the senses of their body, and therefore think inwardly, they can be led to believe and grasp this, because there is no space or time in the concepts of deeper thought. Instead, there are the properties that underlie space and time.

The following material about extrasolar planets is for people like this, then, and not for others unless they are by nature willing to learn.


1. [Swedenborg note] After death we retain a memory of all our dealings in the world: 24752486.

2. [Swedenborg note] See note on §125.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.