Other Planets #128

By Emanuel Swedenborg

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128. While I was awake, angels from the Lord led my spirit to a particular planet in the universe; we were accompanied by some spirits from our planet. We advanced to the right for two hours.

At the outer limit of our solar system the first thing I saw was a dense yet shining cloud, and beyond that there was fiery smoke rising out of a huge abyss. This was a vast chasm separating this side of our solar system from some extrasolar planets. As we traveled a considerable distance we kept seeing the fiery smoke.

I was taken across the middle of it, and in the abyss or chasm below me I saw many people, meaning spirits (all spirits have a human form and are actually people). I heard them talking with each other but it was not granted me to know where they were from or what they were like. One of them said to me, though, that they were guards to prevent anyone from crossing from our solar system to another one without permission. I was also given proof that this was the truth. When some of the spirits in our company who lacked permission to cross over came to that great abyss they began screaming that they were dying. They looked like people in the grip of death. So they stayed on their side of the chasm and could not be taken across. It was actually the smoke billowing from the chasm that overcame them and caused this torment.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.