Deuteronomy 5:24
Par Alexander Payne
Verse 24. And the soul confessed that the Divine goodness and truth of the Lord Jesus Christ as the only God had been manifestly revealed to it, and that His commandments proceed from His ardent love towards the whole human race; and it is seen in this state that hence is an influx into the soul of man, who receives all his life therefrom. [Note.—The soul perceives the glory and greatness of the Lord, and hears His voice out of the midst of the fire, when it is realized that the Lord is absolutely nothing but pure Love and Wisdom; and when it perceives that the Divine Humanity (that is, the unselfish life and character of the Lord Jesus Christ) is the only shape and form which Divine Love and Wisdom could possibly assume when brought to the perception of man, so that no God other than the Lord Jesus Christ can be justly conceived of (John 14:9)].
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